Aethra's Potion Morph
About the game
This game was planned to be a paid-for game but we ended up not liking the gameplay loop too much, so instead of finishing it we decided to post what we have so far so the assets we made don't go to waste :)
There are a total of 22 recipes, you can obtain my mixing combinations of 3 ingredients. Aethra will give you hints of what the mix you made needs to reach a recipe.
There are two machines, a cauldron and a juice machine. You can use the juice machine to see what each ingredient's property is and you can put 3 ingredients in the cauldron to create a recipe.
When Aethra drinks the recipe she will either have an effect or tell you what property its missing to reach a recipe that does something.
This game includes the following fetishes:
- Pregnancy
- Urine
- Milking
- Breast Growth
- Futanari
Assets - FractalStella & FragantPauline
Gameplay | Programming - Zirk
Click download now to get access to the following files:
Development log
- Patch #1Sep 15, 2024
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Is it possible to make it work for android
im blind or what when i mix 3 things nothing happens to the gir
1) Horny, Dry, Love - Aphrodite's Kiss - cleans body
2) Greasy, Creamy, Gelatinous - Bacon Pancakes - calming
3) Sour, Creamy, Filament - Blue Cheese - surprised face
4) Greasy, Dry, Gelatinous - Buta Tallow - lactation (Unlocks Creamy)
5) Salty, Nothing, Greasy - Cardio Cream - reduces breast size
6) Sour, Mandelbrot, Slimy - Chicken Nuggets - removes pregnancy
7) Crunchy, Creamy, Gelatinous - Corrosive Pudding - removes extra hair and additions to body
8) Warm, Creamy, Sour - Golden Yogurt - creates braids (Unlocks Filament)
9) Sour, Tinting, Crunchy - Goth Lemon Drops - causes pee (Unlocks Warm)
10) Tinting, Creamy, Salty - Goth Milkshake - creates dick
11) Sweet, Drooly, Gelatinous - Ko-Pudding, grows breasts + changes hair
12) Dry, Sweet, Love - Love Crumble - makes pink mist (Unlocks Horny)
13) Filament, Drooly, Dry - Moustache Wax- creates big dick (Unlocks Slimy)
14) Creamy, Sour, Crunchy - Radioactive Cheese - ahegao face (Unlocks Drooly)
15) Greasy, Mandelbrot, Dry - Recursive Bacon - reduces breast size
16) Salty, Sweet, Drooly - Salted Berry Syrup - calming, causes pee
17) Creamy, Sour, Salt - Salted Cheese - shocked face
18) Nothing, Sour, Love - Sour Cake Drop - removes dick
19) Warm, Horny, Crunchy - Sour Candy - causes wetness
20) Salty, Drooly, Tinting - Soy Sauce - calming
21) Creamy, Slimy, Spicy - Spicy Yogurt - causes pregnancy
22) Dry, Drooly, Sweet - Sweet Rum - causes sweating (Unlocks Salty and Love)
Warm - Recipe 9
Creamy - Recipe 4
Filament - Recipe 8
Drooly - Recipe 14
Slimy - Recipe 13
Salty & Love - Recipe 22
Horny - Recipe 12
Reply with any changes the recipes cause that I haven't mentioned
Thanks for the list!
You are my friend now.
Also, ingredients in order for reference
Row 1: Sour, Sweet, Spicy, Dry
Row 2: Greasy, Mandelbrot, Nothing, Tinting
Row 3: Crunchy, Gelatinous,
Extra: Creamy, Drooly, Love, Salty, Warm, Love, Filament, Slimy
You might be confusing love with horny as horny is the hearts one while love is one of the white stuff
Corrosive pudding doesn't just remove hair, it removes any changes. Hair, dick, large breasts..
hi the download dont works when you instal him makes an error he says unity player not found
how do i make her not futa anymore i dont know the recip
Will there ever be a mobile version? Apple and/or android?
How do you get pregnant in this? what ingredients?
well i found all recipes but i didnt note them down
So do you need keyboard for this because i am on mobile and its not letting me play, like its loading but its not allowing me to move the ingredients around
fun little game. could use an exit out feature for pc players vs alt tab
How tf do i get creamy
Always a big fan of these "mix ingredients for a transformation" type games. I liked how you managed the hint system as a way to guide you towards the remaining undiscovered potions without forcing them to guess-and-check eternally.
The recipe book is a bit lacking, though. I'm not against writing down the recipes myself when I play one of these games, but the fact that not all the recipes can even fit on the page is really detrimental, although I presume that's probably a bug. I also like the descriptions of each item, as they can help figure out the effects of the reset items that can appear to do nothing if you don't have the property that they reset at the moment.
I also like the fact that you unlock new ingredients as you "harvest" them from some of the transformations. I would complain that some of these ingredients look pretty samey though. It's hard to differentiate between the milk, cum, drool, and love juice, and the gelatin too. The comparison is especially confusing between the Drool and Love Juice, and the Milk and Gelatin. Perhaps the Milk could be put in a bottle, and the Drool could be more translucent, or the Love Juice maybe styled into a heart-shaped puddle?
I assume this is probably due to the nature of the game being made from recycled assets, but a lot of the transformations seem samey or redundant. Like, the Salted Berry Syrup seems pretty redundant when the Goth Lemon Drops can just be combined with the Bacon Pancakes to achieve the same result.
Glad you enjoyed most of the game! Yes as we mentioned before, this game is unfinished and more of an abandoned project we posted to take advantage of the assets we made.
Regarding the last point the assets were not recycled, we try to make new assets for all our games where possible :p
Thanks for the comment and again super happy you enjoyed the game :)
When I said recycled assets, I meant that you used the assets from the abandoned version of the game to make this version of the game, not that they were used from a previous game. Bad phrasing on my part.
There is no abandoned version of the game, this is the only version of the game :)
We just posted it because we were not moving forward with it. Apologies for the confusion, I should’ve been a bit clearer :p
After around 14 recipes unlocked, the scrollbar on the book doesn't allow you to go all the way down so you can't see all recipes. Also unlock order for the recipes instead of alphabetical order would be nice, and some sprites (like the big dick or the eyes for the ahegao face) get cut off at the top.
Still really good game! Great work!
We’ll have a look :) Thanks for the feedback!
The container should now be big enough to fit all recipes, thanks for the report
got this error that stopped the game starting, unsure if the issue is on my end or not
We made a new build that hopefully should fix that, please tell me if it works for you!
For whatever reason, the download version doesn't work. It runs, but when you juice something and feed it to her she doesn't tell you anything and when you give her a potion she doesn't transform or tell you what's missing.
Hmm I wonder what is happening, it seem to work for me Could you maybe send “Player.log” you have in %AppData%/LocalLow/Katsis/Potion Morph?
it would be nice if the item you hovered over with your mouse told you the name of the ingredient
could you add a reset button ?
To reset Aethra to her default state?
It’s been added in the latest version, you can press tabulation to open that menu
faster than atnt
rough recipes:
some of the recipes arent working
but which object to which picture? I can't even identify what the objects you were referring to in the book...
Amazing how a halted game still looks and feels somewhat good
Dose it have mobili support
That was not in the original plan so no but I do see a lot of feedbacks about that so I might give it a try, I can’t promise anything tho, depending of the amount of work it might require
I like what you were going for... but you missed the mark by a mile.
Unless you're full-screened, the book covers half of the girl's body, which I didn't realize for a good thirty minutes; seemed initially like a very counter-intuitive design choice that you'd "show off your assets to not let them go to waste" and yet cover half of your girl until I realized what was wrong.
It's nice that you give us a list of recipes that we've found over the course of the game... but with no means to reference the items used to make it, we have to either write it down elsewhere or memorize it, making the list ultimately useless. Not to mention, some of the items just look too same-y (there are six white fluids to pick from, seven if you count the "nothing" item), and the hair is invisible as soon as it hits the table.
Yup those are some of the points why we did not continue with this project and decided to put our efforts on other ongoing ones, at the end we just posted this one with the disclaimer that its unfinished so the assets would not go to waste
hey, FYI looks like the install from the desktop app doesn't work
I never used the desktop app so I have no idea what could go wrong, any error message or anything on your side?
Sorry, should have specified
Your build isn't good for offline use. Index.html is trying to load a local js file, which isn't allowed by browsers (including's desktop app, which it launches the game with)
I'm away from my pc atm, but you'll see the error if you try running the game from itchio desktop app
I only made a web build because I was thinking it would be more convenient, but I can make a desktop one if that solve the issues
Done, I added a Windows build, tell me if it works on your side
yep, its working now, thx
Every time I play one of these, I discover something new about myself. And that worries me. I can only get so erect.
This is an amazing compliment to us 👀👀👀
So I played your game and it's pretty nice, but I have some suggestions :
- the physics where you grab the ingredients with the mouse is nice, but it's a bit hard, most of the physics work but sometimes the ladle get stuck in the cauldron, for those who has this problem I recomend to use an ingredient to push it out. Also I starte by using my touchpad and it was a bit hard.
- fur/haire is a bit hard to grab because for all the ingredients you need to catch the actual drawing so you need to have the mouse exactly on one of the haire, also the fact they are tiny and black make it hard to see on the table. So maybe make his "hit box" larger or give it a slight glow?
- the recipe book is not really usefull, all it does is tell you the name of the potions you already made, which doesn't (directly) tell you their effects or what ingredients you need. Maybe add something similar to "tina's magic book" where you have a small icon and when you click on it, it open a window with all the recipies you have done with their ingredients and effects?
- in the description you should warn people about the futas tf, I'm personnally sucker for futas tf (hu hu humor) but I know than other peoples can be disturbed by this.
their that's everything I could see, you did a really good job, the drawings are nice, not a lot of bugs and the feature where Aethra tell us what flavor is lacking is fun, you find yourself exeperimenting with all sorts of ingredients to see which ones works.
I wish you good luck for your future projects ^^
For the 2 first points, we improved the physics of ladle and increased the collider of the fur so these 2 points should be better
Recipe book is indeed one big missing point, one that was in the original plans but that we scrapped when we decided to stop working on this project
For the futa, I think Fractal updated the description
Thanks for all your feedbacks :)
you’ll welcome and thank you for your answer and the improvements
Hey, small update, we added the ingredient list to the recipes
ok so this is what ive gotten so far, lemme know if this is everything or not
as for effects i got
I have the same softlock at the same stage. Stuck at the same 17 recipes. Any combination keeps trying to make sour cake drop.
I think one of the issue was the sweat ingredient not being unlockable so I added it as a reward of the “sweet rum” recipe
Tint+Salt+Cream gives her a smaller coc
care to make this touchscreen compatible, that would be neat.
Yeah... can't say I care enough to push forward with this until someone publishes a recipe list.
Completely fair lol
Found 17 recipes and triggered that softlock I guess. It would be better if you show the ingredients of founded recipes. It's hard to find certain transform after it was cleared by other recipes.
I 100% agree on showing the ingredients, as mentioned in another comment that was our next goal but we dropped this project before getting to that, Im curious on how that softlock works, will talk to Zirk about it 👀
Tried again with the help of that recipe comment, after got these 17 recipes the game said I already found all recipes when I mix three different ingredients, and "this recipe need to be more" (sentence end there) if mix two.
Hey, this happens when the game can’t find a new recipe given the ingredients that you have, we added a new recipe that should hopefully fix that
Any chance you make this for android?
i can't find anything... there has to be a tutorial coz i have no idea what does what
The instructions are on the description, it is not the greatest mechanism which is why we decided to stop developing it :p
I got three recipes and it already said I found them all. Is it actually 22 recipes?
Hey, sounds like you hit some softlock that could happen if you do recipes in the wrong order, I uploaded an update that hopefully should fix it, could you try and tell me if it works for you?
You might have to redo the “Buta Tallow” recipe for this to work, that requires these 3 ingredients (keeping it as a link so it doesn’t spoil others people):
If it doesn’t, could you show me all the ingredients you have unlocked?
Now it works. I couldnt unlock cream at first
I really hope someone will post a few of the recipies they found
It's really fun but if you hover over the items in the book it should show the name and what ingredient description like greasy or sour
If you put the ingredient in the machine in the right it makes you a juice that has the description of the item. The hover idea is great :o
Tried putting one of the glasses into the cauldron and the glass just gets YEETED into space, ha.
I just assumed you stick the glass into the cauldron to get the contents out, but then ZOOM, glass shoots off to the edge of the universe.
Also yeah, I've got no idea how to play this game. It says she's supposed to give hints, but "lemons are sour" and "goo is gooey" aren't really hints.
Hey, to explain a bit: The cauldron can only receive raw ingredients, when you put 3 of them, you create a recipe The recipe, when wrong, will give you a hint “this recipe need to be more sour” for example, which mean one of the 3 ingredients need to be sour
To know that, you can use the machine on the right, put an ingredient inside, give the glass to Aethra and she will tell you how it tastes
Tell me if anything is not clear!
It would be great to have instructions on how to play the game
I improved the instructions in the description, thanks for the feedback :)
Simple and sweet! I only wish that recipes that were already found would list their ingredients, no way I can remember the ingredients I used for 22 recipes lol
Haha! Adding ingredient description for recipes was our next step before we decided to stop developing the game, so I definitely agree with you lol
Hey, we updated the game so the recipes now display what they are made of