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Hey boss! Tested out the new control scheme, and it improved my time immensely! I'm no professional, but 8 minutes flat FEELS like a good time :) I did hit the snag of "Ah, my free click was a three, guess I'll die" but that happens sometimes. The OTHER mine is straight up me being bad at counting though LMAO

And what am i supposed to do with this, the only safe corner gives 0 info 



I've played a lot of minesweeper porn games. Some stick more closely to the actual Minesweeper rules, some add lots of extra features, like punishing you for revealing unnecessary tiles, or add items or permanent upgrades or even make it a roguelike. Personally, I like both the simple ones and the complex ones. Of the simple ones, this one's actual gameplay is really good. The fact that you win based off Mines Flagged, not Safe Spaces Cleared, prevents 50/50s from being forced (unless you get like a bunch in one level.) Also, the fact that hitting a mine doesn't result in an instant game-over, but getting the animation censored is absolutely genius, I have to say. The only gripes I have with it is that it doesn't do the thing some games do where they automatically generate a large chunk of clean space where you do your starting click, in order to reduce RNG, and that the individual tiles are a bit small, and the color choice is rather straining on the eyes partially as a result of the prior. And, also, the art. It's really good. What can I say? I'm a sucker for heart eyes. And the win cutscene is well worth the trouble, although I can say it was a missed opportunity to censor it based off the mines you hit in the run, since the game isn't that hard to clear perfectly if you've ever played Minesweeper before. Only complaint I have (if you can even call it that) is that there isn't more. I was half-expecting her to do something with her mouth, be it just licking or a full blowjob, and though I can't say I was disappointed, I definitely want more of this.


Thanks for all the feedback!

Yeah this project was done in a very short time and some of these ideas were actually thought of but discarded haha, specially the keeping the censor bars one.

I am happy you enjoyed it and will take that feedback for future projects <33333


Hehe, browser abuse) No cheats tho

wait, the final scene isn't even censored based off mines clicked? but why?

Abuse is in that clicking out of the game's window stops time

that is not what I was asking. But good to know


i have no idea how to play minesweeper and after reading how to play it i still don't get it. Someone help me i'm dumb.

(2 edits) (+1)

So if a tile says four that means there are four land mines adjacent to it, the goal is to right click to place a flag on all landmines to complete the level. If you see a 2 next to a 1 tile that means that the 2 is connected to 2 landmines, and one of those landmines could also be one of the landmines from the 1 tile.

i actually don’t know how to pay either lol


Hey boss! It's neat that this minesweeper works by making you flag all of the mines instead of reveal all of the non mines, but on trackpad it's hard to right click. Is there any way you could implement a way to press a key while hovering over a tile to also flag it?


Hey, that’s a good idea, I’m quite busy right now but I’ll try to implement this when I find the time!


Hey, it’s been a bit of time but while hovering a tile you can now press Z (or W) to dig it, or X to place a flag


WONDERFUL NEWS! Thank you for taking the time out to add that, I'm sure others will appreciate it as well.


shes not showing up for me :((((

Oh no :( What platform are you on? What browser?

i downloaded it on pc and she didnt show up but when i went on browser and played from there she did show up 


on my winning run i think i encountered a glitch with the timer lol. this is a 2:05 time from everything i can tell, but it in technicality probably would invalidate it


unless for whatever reason when you get so fast the timer just breaks

Oh wow hahaha Zirk will love seeing this one

Yup it’s 05, it’s a formatting issue, I forgot to put the 0 in front Thanks for the screenshot :)


I think the game glitched. This should be a win, shouldn't it?

Yeah it seems like some people are getting this bug, we are trying to replicate but are struggling to find out the reason, as soon as we find it we will patch it


For some reason I am having the same thing. What I have noticed is that it happens after a few times of opening and closing the game. The first run after installation its perfect but after that, it becomes more likely to occur.

Yeah we are still trying to find and fix that bug, we will patch it as soon as we figure it out :)


GODDAMN thats fast


idea: cheat mode, where the mine has no effect, no censor haha

Not a bad idea actually!


I think there is a good amount of people that just want a quick game to play while using the animations as... JOI haha, I am one, haha

Cant judge I am one too 👀👀👀


The animation is not showing up for me

Oh that’s interesting, are you on a PC?


(3 edits) (+1)

respect. i'm here struggling to get a sub 4 and you just got a sub 3. nicely done

(edit: i now finally got the sub 4)

Wow how did you do less than 3 minutes thats crazy


Thousands of hours of mine sweeper.


(1 edit) (+1)
great game, i hope you keep working on it. also here is a decent time of mine.

4 minutes is crazyyyyyy wow


gg ez


(1 edit) (+1)

Is there a different reward for getting no mine clicks? I got slapped by RNGesus twice with blind-faith mines and I don't want to replay the whole thing and hope for 0 mines just to check.

Nope, we havent implemented a perfect run reward yet

Blind faith as in first click on the board, or as in "I couldn't get enough information to say for sure which of these two spots it was"?

Hopefully it's the latter, it does bug me when devs make minesweeper that generates immediately, instead of after the first click

(1 edit)


(EDIT: At least I think it's both. The latter for sure, but I get a pretty strong vibe it's both. If I was crazier, I'd click and reroll the game again and again to see if it's possible to have the first click be a mine. At the very least I know it doesn't give you a zero on the first click like a good chunk of Minesweeper games do, one of the maps that generated for me, I had to make like 7 blind first-clicks before I finally clicked a zero.)


Hey, the board is generated when you first click on the board so you can’t directly loose by clicking on a mine


Fun little minesweeper game, made some misclicks 

Still impressive time!!